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WEIRD OMEN // Supp.: THEE K-OTICS // Revolver

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Four Lp's and Six singles in, Weird Omen still evade direct comparisons to… anyone !!!

This atypical line up trio, spits his unique primitive garage, a deluge of trash brass, reverb and fuzzzzzz. A cryptic garage trance, blend of dented 60’s tones and hollow psychedelic néo-garage.

Baritone sax : Fred Rollercoaster (King Khan & the Shrines, Bee Dee Kay & the Roller Coaste)

Guitar / vocals : Sister Ray (Ray and the Dead Drums, Pablo X)

Drums / vocals : Dam-o-maD (Thee Oops, Dion Lunadon)

fuzz garage


ID: 20 legplikt


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